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TEST PREP HACKER | Posted Jan. 26, 2018

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TEST PREP HACKER is the name we have given to the plan we used to get great marks on recruitment and entrance tests over the years.

This approach to test prep is based upon the most popular Coursera MOOC of all time, Learning How to Learn, and the associated book, A Mind for Numbers: How to Excel at Math and Science (Even if you flunked Algebra). This course and book pull together all the latest research about how students learn, and how to master 'tougher' subjects like math and science.

With TEST PREP HACKER, we have distilled the main points from this course and book, and applied them to preparing for your recruitment and entrance exams.

Step 1: Build your knowledge base

The first step in preparing for your recruitment or entrance exam is figuring out what where you stand in terms of the subjects included on the test. How are your long-hand math skills? How much do you remember from high schools sciences like basic chemistry, physics, biology and earth sciences? Do you know how to convert between the metric and imperial measurement systems? How is your spelling? Be honest with yourself, figure out where you are weakest, and then start there.


Here are some tips that will make your studying more productive:

  • Take notes by hand. You will retain more this way.
  • Don't just read and re-read material. This can give you the impression that you have retained more info than you really have. You need to actively work to cement that new knowledge in memory. Again, take hand notes. And take practice tests.
  • If you have the time, space out your study sessions. Cramming in everything at the last minute will not get you the mark you want.
  • Jump between different subjects. Study math for a while. When you get stuck or bogged down, try switching to studying sciences for some time before going back to math.


Step 2: Take practice tests (as many as possible)

This step is at the heart of TEST PREP HACKER. Simply put, the best way to prepare for taking any given test is to take practice tests that cover the same subjects, with similar questions. Not the exact same questions, but similar.


Again, research has shown that one of the best (if not the best) ways to prepare for tests is to take practice tests. The old saying 'practice makes perfect' comes to mind. You may not get 100 percent, but studying by practice tests can help get you closer.


Here at TEST PREP HACKER, we have taken this research to heart, and developed thousands and thousands of practice questions and tests to help your prepare for your upcoming test. We offer the best value for money on the internet, with a 100% money back guarantee if you are not satisfied.


Step 3: Write your Test

Write your recruitment or entrance test, get a great mark, and get into the school or career of your choice.