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What is the Vocational Adjustment Index, and how do I prepare for it?

Health Occupations Aptitude Exam (HOAE) | Posted Feb. 10, 2018

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The Vocational Adjustment Index is designed to give college admissions personnel a sense of whether or not you are suited for a career in healthcare.


This mini-test consists of a number of AGREE or DISAGREE questions. You are given a statement, and you choose whether or not you agree with it.


Here are some examples provided by the company that designed the Vocational Adjustment Index:


1. A definite choice of vocations is important.

2. Helping the aged and the sick would be a source of satisfaction.

3. Many young people spend too much time studying.

4. It is difficult to work with strangers.

5. Teachers are often unfair in awarding grades.

6. Working alone rather than with others is preferable.

7. Many people deliberately try to embarrass you.

8. Those in positions of authority too often abuse their employees.

9. Stressful situations leave one weak and exhausted.

10. An ideal job would be one where continuous learning was expected.


According to the makers of the Vocational Adjustment Index, this section is less a test and more an inventory of your feelings, attitudes and opinions.


There is no ‘preparing’ for the Vocational Adjustment Index. Answer the questions honestly. There are a lot of questions to get through, so you will have to answer questions quickly too.


That said, it is not very hard to figure how the questions apply to healthcare professions such as nursing, and how you should answer if you truly want to work in healthcare. For example, the statement Helping the aged and the sick would be a source of satisfaction. If you really want to be a nurse, how would you answer this question? Obviously you would answer AGREE.


Many healthcare jobs involve working in teams. They also involve working with supervisors, bosses etc. As you can see from the sample questions above, there are a number of statements that are there to help ascertain how you feel about working in such situations.


So, when taking the Vocational Adjustment Index, it can be helpful to reflect upon how the questions applies to your given healthcare field. You don’t have a lot of time to reflect, as there are a lot of statements to get through. And in the end, you should be answering honestly, as it will serve you better in the long run if you end up in a career that best suits you.


You can find out more about the Vocational Adjustment Index on its website: http://psbtests.com/available-tests/